
Saturday, October 30, 2010

Did you know?

Taking a break from putting the finishing touches on the 2nd Mystery Project (which will be posted very soon!) to share this cute tid-bit.  Last week, I was in the grocery store.  I always check the magazine area, incase there happens to be anything of interest.  It is pretty much hit or miss; if there is a hit, I would much rather grab it than have to pack up the baby and drive aaalll the way out to the book store, even though I have a discount card for the book store.  Anywho, as I was perusing, out of the corner of my eye I noticed someone else.  I didn't turn around, but rather, figured they could wait until I was done looking to have their turn.  (Polite, aren't I?)  As it turned out, the lady happened to be rather nice.  She was older - the grandmotherly type.  Since I was looking at the needlecraft section, she asked if I did needlework.
 I told her yes, I knit.  And then..... wait for it... here it comes.... trying to be helpful, she asked "Did you know there are a bunch of free patterns online?"   HeeHeeHeeHee!!!  Boy, do I ever!  I smiled and told her yes, I know there are free patterns online.  We chatted for a few minutes; she mentioned a sweater she had gotten years ago at some store or other, and it was wearing thin so she wanted to knit a new one.  She was looking for a pattern that was close to the sweater, because it was her favorite.  She described it, mentioning her troubles with putting in a zipper.  She then told me about a local knitting group she belongs to, and what they do, and where she lives, etc.  Right then, baby began to fuss, providing me with an escape.  I told her it was nice to meet a fellow knitter, and good luck with her sweater.  And so there we parted ways, and I got a good chuckle out of the fact that she was surprised at how much information one can find online.  So, did you know, there are a bunch of free patterns online?  If not, check out the Free Knitting Patterns tab at the top of the blog.

Until next time, Happy Knitting!

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