
Monday, November 15, 2010

Mystery Project #2 is DONE!

Finally, finally, finally!  I have posted the pattern in it's entirety on Scribd in a handy dandy PDF - you can find the link on the Mystery Knitting Patterns page at the top of the blog. Or, click HERE.  It is rather wordy and has pictures, so I have decided not to include it with this post.  So head on over to Scribd and get this stupid UFO off the needles!   At some point this week, I will also be putting a video up on my YouTube channel demonstrating how I finished the project, because while the written directions make sense to me, they may not to someone else even though I did my best to be clear.  Hopefully the pictures are helpful in the meantime.

I am gathering up my notes so I can get my rear in gear on the next podcast;  I really want to get that done within the next couple of weeks, before Thanksgiving!

As for the next Mystery Project - I will not begin to post instructions until I have completed the project.  (In case you hadn't figured it out, I don't post the instructions until I have completed each part myself... kind of working out the bugs as I go and hoping it turns out well in the end) That way, folks don't have UFO's lying around because I don't have time to work on it.  I would like to apologize for this one taking soooo long.  I don't think it is fun or fair to keep saying that the next part will be up soon, and soon ends up being a month later because I don't have time, the computer isn't working, or whatever else happens to get in the way.  I hate to have unfinished projects lying around and I am sure you do also.  So.... over the next few weeks I will be poring through my stitch pattern books to see what catches my eye, and then go from there.  As with the first two projects, #3 will feature a non-expensive yarn and be a relatively small project.  I like learning new techniques and stitches, so these projects are a great way for me to practice a new skill, and hopefully teach you all something new, too!

I spent a small amount of time over the weekend perusing for some Thanksgiving patterns, but didn't really find anything of interest.  If you have something you'd like to share, feel free to leave a comment with the info.  I will be on the lookout for the December holiday patterns, I'm sure there is an abundance of those floating around the WWW.  Until next time, Happy Knitting!

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