Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Sapphires-N-Purls Podcast: Episode 12

I have decided to post this episode on YouTube, because once again I have run out of space on my Podbean account, and another upgrade just isn't in the budget right now.  (For those who may be new to the blog, the pod cast started out just as a show to listen to; recently I decided to switch to a video pod cast.  You can find all prior episodes of the show on my Pod Bean Page.  For now, until I find a better solution, the show will be posted to YouTube.)

In this Episode:

I show you the progress I am making on the cable afghan I have been working on using Araucania Azapa. It's coming along pretty well, although slow.  I am just picking a color and knitting until I run out, and then starting a new color.  So far I have green, and just added a new skein of purple.  I really like how the cables are turning out!

I show you the yarns that I got recently at a shop called Bloomin Yarns, which is located in McMurry Pennsylvania.

Also, Patons Lace yarn from Joann's.  I can't seem to find the Patons pattern booklet for this yarn, or the beads I talk about on their website.

As always, I have magazines!  You can find links for the magazines in the Magazine Tab at the top of the blog:
Knit'n Style
Simply Knitting
Let's Knit
Knit Today!
Knit Scene

Lucy Neatby's DVDs:
Knitting Gems 1
Knitting Gems 2
Knitting Gems 3
Knitting Gems 4
Knitting Venus 1
Knitting Venus 2
Double Knitting Delight 1

That about wraps it up for this episode.  I hope to have the next stitch pattern up this evening for The Weekly Stitch, along with the video.  Hope you enjoy the show - thanks for taking the time to watch.  Please come back for the next episode!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

This and That

Interweave Knits is kind of getting on my nerves.  A while back, they sent me a DVD - Secrets for Successful Knitting: Intro to Fair Isle: The Ivy League Vest with Eunny Jang.  I watched maybe the first 10 minutes, and then forgot about it.  Now, I did not order this thing, and the paper they sent with the DVD clearly states that since I didn't order the DVD, I was not obligated to participate or send the DVD back, and could consider it a free gift.   They have now sent me 3 "reminders" to either pay for or send back the DVD.  However if I may also keep it as a free gift since I did not request it.

Please.  Stop sending me these reminders.  I really wish I knew what I did with the damn thing so I could send it back.

Today is a cranky day.