Thursday, December 13, 2012

Reversible Rectangle Scarf

Due to the plethora of requests I have had for the green scarf shown in my How to Knit a Scarf video,  (ok, not a plethora, but a lot!) I have finally sat down and written something up.

It is not quite exactly the same, but pretty darn close.  I could not locate the yarn used in that scarf, but the Patons Classic Wool I chose for the pattern is very nice.

The pattern is available for purchase in my Craftsy Store.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Join a New Ball of Yarn

If the Spit Splice or Russian Join aren't your deal, try just picking up your new yarn and knitting it in.

I like to do this if at all possible at the beginning of a new row, because it seems a bit neater for me, and is easier for me to weave in the ends of the old/new yarn.  Sometimes, however, it may be necessary to join somewhere else along your row.  This is fine.

This is how I do it:  Wrap the tail of the new ball around my finger to keep it out of the way, then, holding the tail from the old ball and the working yarn together, knit 3-4 stitches.  Drop the tail and continue knitting.

Remember on the return row you will have what looks like two stitches where you knit with both the old tail and new working yarn.  Be sure you knit these together as one stitch, otherwise you will be increasing your stitch count.  Weave in loose ends, and you are good to go.

Here is a video.  Happy Knitting!